Authors must be registered by
April 1, 2025 to be considered for a panel.
October 20, 2024
Happy Halloween!
Time is already flying. Halloween is at the end of this month! Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye.
Everyone who attended Nashville, knows the trouble we had with receiving books. We want to assure you this will not happen in New Orleans. The main bookseller has been in business since 1979 and was with us in 2016 and would have been with us in 2021 if we had not cancelled because of covid.
Don’t forget that the deadline to submit your anthology story is November 1, 2024. If you’d like to contribute, please send your short story (up to 5,000 words) with a New Orleans connection to: anthology2025@bouchercon.com. All stories must be in the mystery genre.
Addtional information may be found at:
Introducing our Guests of Honor
We would like to welcome our Guests of Honor.
Michael Connelly - Lifetime Contribution to the Genre Guest of Honor
Steph Cha - Suspense Guest of Honor
Craig Johnson - Lifetime Achievement Guest of Honor
Charles Todd - Special Guest of Honor
Lisa Jewell - British Guest of Honor
Jonathan Maberry - YA Guest of Honor
Alex Segura - Toastmaster Guest of Honor
Ali Karim - Fan Guest of Honor
Anthony Awards
Anthony Nominations will begin February 28, 2025, so read, read, read. This year, we have the following categories.
Best Hardcover Novel
Best First Novel
Best Paperback Original/E-Book/Audiobook Original Novel
Best Short Story
Best Juvenile/Young Adult
Best Critical or Nonfiction Work
Best Anthology or Collection
Best Historical
Best Paranormal
Best Cozy or Humorous
There are quite a few of you who have volunteered to be buddies to our new attendees. You can meet your newbie on Wednesday or Thursday during Bouchercon 101. We will have each buddies name in a basket and the newbie will pick a name when they arrive. Once the two of you are paired and Bouchercon 101 is over, you can walk the convention, have lunch, have a snack, talk or whatever else comes to mind to help your newbie know the ins and outs of what happens during the convention. If you're interested in becoming a buddy, please contact the link below.
Email: bouchercon2025@bouchercon.com if you are interested.
Forms to all authors who are registered are going to be sent, shortly for you to fill out if you have asked to be a moderator or be on a panel. Please fill this form out and send back to the following email address.

This will help our panel chairs match you with a panel based on your genre or interests. We’ll continue to send this form
monthly to all newly registered authors.
Register for the convention here.
New Orleans Newsletters
Our monthly newsletters are your key to staying updated on all things Bouchercon, from speed dating to the Debut Mystery Author’s Breakfast. If you’ve unsubscribed from Constant Contact, please let us know if you wish to resubscribe. We will ask Constant Contact to send you a re-subscription email—just follow the instructions to get back on our list. These newsletters are crucial for keeping you informed!
We will also add this information to facebook, and other social media.
The Marriott Hotel at 555 Canal Street will be our host hotel, offering beautiful accommodations and easy navigation. You must be registered for the convention, to get the fantastic convention rate of $179.00/night. If you need a scooter, please inform connie@perryco.biz in advance, and she'll arrange for you to have a scooter upon arrival.
For all inquiries and registration details for Bouchercon New Orleans 2025, please contact bouchercon2025@bouchercon.com. If you encounter any issues, feel free to email connie@perryco.biz or call 337-319-5783.
If you have registered, please check to see if your name is listed and correct on our website, bouchercon2025.com. If not, please send an email to bouchrecon2025@bouchrcon.com to have it changed.
Cancellations: Send email to bouchercon2025reg@bouchercon.com.
Be sure to read all newsletters, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Looking forward to seeing you in New Orleans,
Heather Graham
Chair New Orleans 2025